Bilateral Agreement Signed with National Taiwan University of Arts
On May 3, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre signed a bilateral agreement with the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA).

The agreement provides for teacher and student exchange, and development of cooperation in the field of ambisonics and other areas.
A year ago, an agreement was signed with National University of Tainan (NUTN). In the academic year of 2022–2023, LMTA teachers — Head of the LMTA Department of String Instruments, Prof. Dr. Rūta Lipinaitytė, Head of the Department of Piano and Organ, Assoc. Prof. Aidas Puodžiukas, and Dr. Vytenis Gurstis, a lecturer at the Department of Wind and Percussion Instruments, — visited the University as Erasmus+ teachers. In Tainan, the teachers ran master classes and gave several concerts.
On April 24-29, Modestas Barkauskas, a lecturer at the LMTA Department of Conducting, visited NUTN as an Erasmus+ teacher: first, he rehearsed with the NUTN Student Symphony Orchestra; later, the rehearsals were followed by a concert the orchestra gave under Barkauskas’ baton.
In a recent newsletter, Taiwan’s National University of the Arts has shared their appreciation of the new collaboration and mentioned that, alongside the LMTA, NTUA has also become partners with the ICART School of Cultural and Art Management (France).
LMTA information
19 May 2023