Helio String Quartet of the LMTA at the National Conservatory of Paris
On the 1st of November, the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) will hold a concert at the National Conservatory of Paris, where the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Helio String Quartet will present a programme of Lithuanian chamber music.

From 29th of October to 2nd of November the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) session takes place at the Conservatoire National de Paris. The five-day masterclasses will culminate in concerts on 1st and 2nd of November, featuring chamber music works prepared by the ensembles that have developed their skills during the ECMA session. The ECMA organisers encouraged the ensembles to perform works by Lithuanian composers. Lithuania is represented in the ECMA session by the Helio String Quartet and teachers Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė and Prof. Dr. Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli.
On the 29th of October, musicologist Prof. Dr. Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli will give an open lecture “Defining Identity: A Quest of ‘Lithuanianness’ in Music as Performance” at the Conservatory. On 1st of November at 7 pm. Helio String Quartet instrumentalists Saulė Buišaitė (violin), Monika Dargytė (violin), Rūta Buišaitė (viola) and Vaiva Sodaitytė (cello) will present a programme of Lithuanian chamber music. Eduardas Balsys’ String Quartet Part III and Anatoly Shenderov’s String Quartet No. 3 will be performed. Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė, a long-time promoter of chamber music and organiser of ECMA sessions in Lithuania, together with the world’s best chamber music specialists, will conduct ECMA masterclasses.
“We feel honoured to be members of this prestigious organisation for more than 10 years. Lithuania is the only Baltic country to be a member of this organisation,” says Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė, Chair of Chamber Ensemble at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
The European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) is an international network of eight of the most prominent European music academies, initiated in 2006 by the eminent chamber music professors and promoters of the genre Hatto Bayerle (viola, Germany) and Johannes Meissl (violin, Austria).
ECMA is Europe’s young talent authority. It focuses on established chamber ensembles such as string quartets, piano trios and others. To promote the development of the chamber music tradition, ECMA supports the best young and energetic ensembles, organises training for the most talented performers in its partner institutions, and ensures that the performers’ concert careers continue.
ECMA sessions were attended by the student string quartet “Festivo” from LMTA, the doctoral student trio “Claviola”, the graduate of the Academy, the ECMA postgraduate string quartet “Mettis”, and the prize-winning piano trio “FortVio”
More information about the events: https://www.conservatoiredeparis.fr/fr/saison-20242025/academie-europeenne-de-musique-de-chambre
The LMTA project at the Paris Conservatoire is part of the LMTA’s interdisciplinary programme “L’Ecole imaginaire-Lingua-Franca”.
“L‘Ecole imaginaire-Lingua-Franca” is part of the Season of Lithuania in France 2024. The Season is organized by the Lithuanian culture Institute and the French Institute in Paris.
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