The first FILMEU Forum: what has been decided
The first annual FilmEU Summit 2024, the forum of the FilmEU Alliance of European Universities. Navigating the future” took place last week, bringing together more than 150 participants: teachers, administrators and students from eight countries. The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre team shares their impressions and news.
The Forum’s agenda was packed with a wide range of events: a symposium of Alliance leaders, thematic working group meetings, inspiring presentations by experts, interesting presentations of artistic research projects, a screening of student films and informal networking with colleagues from all Alliance partner HEIs.
The event featured a variety of closed and open sessions – working group meetings, activity presentations, guest speakers, a leadership symposium, meetings of the Academic Council and the Alliance Steering Committee – to discuss important issues related to the future of the film and media industry, scientific and artistic research and innovation, and higher education integration.
The meetings discussed one of the important objectives of the FilmEU Alliance, which is to contribute to the integration and standardisation of higher education in Europe, not only facilitating the movement of students between different countries and universities, but also increasing the recognition of their qualifications across Europe.
“Even before the official launch of the programme, representatives of LMTA and other higher education institutions from other countries have been working intensively on the development of a joint bachelor’s degree programme. The content of the studies, the expected programme outcomes, the movement of students between institutions, quality assurance and other important elements were discussed and approved. This joint degree programme is expected to start in 2025. As an associate member of this joint study programme, LMTA will contribute by organising a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) for all students of the intended joint study programme. It is expected that this programme will open even wider international opportunities for both LMTA and foreign students”, – shares Natalija Verbickienė, Head of Quality and Strategic Planning Department.
Importantly, the Academic Council of the European University of Cinema and Media Arts, consisting of rectors, presidents, deans, steering committee, student and staff representatives, gathered in Bratislava during the Forum, issued a joint statement in support of the idea and implementation of a common European degree.
Ingrida Jasonienė, Project Manager, says that the WIRE meeting at the Forum has planned training sessions for PhD students until the end of 2028, a MOOC and a Fall Seminar for researchers, including third-country researchers from Ukraine and the Balkans, as well as training for researchers in the laboratories of the FilmEU Alliance schools.
Vitalij Zenčenko, FilmEU project coordinator, stresses that the work of the international audiovisual team of students who took part in the Forum deserves special mention: “The students from different disciplines – photographers, cameramen, editors – did an excellent job in creating video reviews of the event, social media posts, and recording interviews with the guests and organisers. We are glad that even four students from the Film and Television Department of the LMTA – National Film School – were among them!”