On June 7–13, LMTA representatives visited the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD) under the Erasmus+ 107 (171) programme.

Erasmus+ 107 (171) is a European Commission’s programme that specifically aims to promote cooperation with non-EU countries. Launched five years ago, the programme has enabled much more considerable opportunities for teacher and student exchange.
During the visit to Israel, LMTA Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Judita Žukienė had a meeting with Prof. Dr. Michael Klinghoffer, President of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD) to learn about JAMD programmes and goals, discuss the current situation of Erasmus exchanges, and agree on further cooperation.

“Partnership with Israel is a priority of Lithuania’s foreign policy, and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance is an LMTA priority partner. We believe this visit will not only encourage teacher and student exchange between both schools, but also contribute to the development of the cultural relations and international cooperation of Lithuania,” states LMTA Rector.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Judita Žukienė and LMTA Vice-Rector for Arts and Science, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramune Balevičiūtė met with Prof. Dr. Bella Brover-Lubovsky, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Head of the Research Department at JAMD. The discussion focused on key issues and cooperation opportunities in the field of research.
LMTA music innovation projects attracted the interest of Dr. Amit Weiner, JAMD Head of the Cross-Disciplinary Composition Department and Dr. Talia Amar, JAMD Head of Technology and Innovation Policy. A lecture on spatial aspects in music composition by composer, Head of the LMTA Music Innovations Studies Centre, Assoc. Prof. Mantautas Krukauskas, received rapt attention from Israeli students.
LMTA Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Judita Žukienė and Assoc. Prof. Mantautas Krukauskas also had a meeting with Prof. Boaz Ben-Moshe, Dean of the JAMD Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Music Education, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayal Adler, a board member of the Israel Composers’ League. This meeting is believed to continue strengthening the ties between the music faculties of the two academies and encourage both teacher and student exchange and new artistic projects.

Prof. Aira Naginevičiūtė-Adomaitienė and Prof. Agnija Šeiko, teachers of the LMTA dance programme in Vilnius and Klaipėda, observed dance and movement classes at JAMD and discussed exchange possibilities with Ronen Izhaki, Head of the JAMD Movement Department, and Mate Moray, the current head of the Dance Department, who will soon be appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Dance.
Dr. Agnė Jurgaitytė-Avižinienė, Associate Professor at the LMTA Department of Acting and Directing, shared her teaching experience with Prof. Zvi Semel, Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts; Dr. Michal Hefer, Head of the Music Education Department; Prof. Dr. Veronika Cohen, creator of Musical Mirrors, a pedagogic approach for music education; psychology teacher Lisa Asulin, and other teaching staff members of the faculty.
The visit was particularly invigorated by informal meetings with JAMD teachers. Dr. Michal Hefer told about his parents, born in Vilnius and Rokiškis, who survived the Holocaust as they had been deported to Barnaul in 1940, together with many other Lithuanians. Dr. Zecharia Plavin, a Vilnius-born pianist, musicologist, educator and composer, who now lives in Israel, remembered his school friends at the M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts and the then Lithuanian State Conservatory.
The visit was organised by Giedrė Kabašinskienė (LMTA International Relations) and Sarah Meltzer (JAMD International Relations Office).
20 June 2023