Exhibition 90 Pauses. Catch Your Luck!
The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre is 90 years old!
A birthday is an excellent occasion to stop, look back and remember the important and memorable events.
The second floor of the Academy’s Main Building holds an exhibition of mementos belonging to the LMTA lecturers, professors, artists, and performers. These are memories, achievements and objects related to the Academy and the artistic activities of its community members. These are things that have brought luck to their owner on stage and in the academic life, and each exhibit tells its own unique story.
In front of you, the ten windows of the Academy’s long hallway will open, and every month they are going to share more new stories and memories. Listen and find out the story of each exhibit firsthand – by scanning the QR code with your phone at the bottom of the cube.
The exhibition “90 Pauses. Catch Your Luck!” is constantly updated and will be open to the visitor throughout the anniversary year!
Take a pause, see, listen!
Touch, just with your eyes.