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Monday March 10th, 2025

Early Music Week – premiere of an opera-ballet from Paris and baroque disco

17-22 March The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) will host the “Early Music Week 2025”, which aims to promote the music of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, and will bring together students from 10 European schools of music and art to create an opera-ballet “Les Elements” in Vilnius. 

A team of the most prominent foreign and Lithuanian early music professionals has been assembled especially for this project: tenor Dominique Vellard (France), who has been awarded the French Legion of Honour for his services to early music, artistic director of the Gilles Binchois ensemble, tenor Dominique Vellard (France), Fabio Bonizzoni (Italy), one of the greatest Italian harpsichordists and organist of his generation, who has won the highest awards of the Gramophone Awards, and Dr. Elizabeth Svarstad (Norway), baroque violinist Judyta Tupczyńska (Poland) and artistic director and baroque singer Dr. Rūta Vox (Vosyliūtė) (Lithuania).

“On 21 March – Johann Sebastian Bach’s birthday – the Day of Early Music is celebrated all over Europe, and the LMTA Early Music Week will celebrate this occasion in Lithuania with a joint project of students from ten European music schools (Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Germany, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Estonia) – the aforementioned opera-ballet “Les Elements”. This is an extraordinary opportunity for Lithuanian students to gain experience from more experienced colleagues and at the same time deepen their understanding of early music and its performance. Early Music Day is celebrated together with the European Early Music Network REMA,” says Beatričė Baltrušaitytė, one of the initiators of the Early Music Week project and the project coordinator.

The programme of events of the LAMT’s Early Music Week will include educational events, such as the dance evening “Baroque Vibes, Disco Moves”, during which Edmundas Žička, a historical dance professional, will introduce the dances of the European court of the Baroque period, i.e. the counter-dances. To extend the dance evening and move to the rhythm of disco, composers Domantas Pūras and Ignas Šoliūnas will be invited to dance to the rhythm of electronic music, playing the most famous Baroque themes at the DJ console.
The participants of the project “Early Music Week 2025” are organising an exclusive early music event, where they will invite you to listen to the works of Renaissance and Baroque composers and to get acquainted with historical musical instruments in the corridors of the LAMT’s II Palace (Vilniaus str.6-2).

In cooperation with the French Institute in Lithuania, the Vilnius Academy of Arts, the Palace of the Grand Dukes Museum and the 11th International Marco Schacchi Early Music Festival, the activities of the LAMT’s Early Music Week will culminate in a series of events for the participants, L’Air, the international baroque orchestra, will be celebrated with the final event – the opera-ballet Les élémens (The Verses, 1721) by French composers André Cardinal Destouches and Michel-Richard Delalande. In the Grand Renaissance Menorah of the Palace of the Grand Ducal Palace.

The opera-ballet was first performed on 31 December 1721 at the Tuileries Palace, Paris, with King Louis XV himself dancing. Later, in 1725, the work was presented to the general public at the Palais-Royal theatre in Paris and remained popular for many years. According to musicologists, this work is highly symbolic in the history of French Baroque music: it is Louis XV’s last appearance on stage, M.R. Delalande’s last work for the stage and the last opera-ballet to be performed in a French palace, which was later transferred to public theatres.
“This is the first performance of this opera-ballet in Lithuania. Since the opportunity to perform Baroque operas for LAMT students came in 2020, along with the creation of a new specialization in the singing department, it is also a challenge to select and adapt Baroque operas for our students every year. This opera impressed with its melodiousness, its refined 18th century French style, its dances, and also with the composition of the singers, the tessitura of the voices and the number of characters. Preparing for the production of such an opera is a long and difficult process. First of all, it was necessary to study the manuscript of the opera, then to rewrite it and adapt it to the performers. To perform an early 18th century French opera-ballet, to touch such a genre and to realise the Baroque singing, Baroque dancing, gestures taught in the studios, and to perform all this with the orchestra of the students of the European early music departments, which has been formed especially for this event – this is not only an exceptional opportunity for the students of the LMTA, but also a dream! Meanwhile, for opera lovers, it is a great opportunity to see and hear the rarely performed genre of French opera-ballet,” says Dr. Rūta Vox (Vosyliūtė), the initiator of the opera-ballet Stichia and a lecturer of Baroque opera at the LMTA.

“This is the second year that the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre is organising the Early Music Week in cooperation with the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, the International Marco Schacchi Early Music Festival, the French Institute in Lithuania, the Gilles Binchois Association, Erasmus+, the Vilnius Academy of Arts and the European Music Schools.


2025 03 10 

Monday February 24th, 2025


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For more information about LMTA events in English, check out the Events section on our front page (below the News section).

Thursday February 13th, 2025

ContemPLAY: Exploring New Dimensions of Sound in Vilnius

On 2-7 February, the ContemPLAY International Festival-Workshop turned Vilnius into a true oasis of contemporary experimental and improvisational music. For the third time, the initiative was organised by the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, bringing together not only a series of concerts, but also workshops, discussions and open improvisational music sessions.

The creative space of the festival was shaped by the lecturers of the Lithuanian Academy of Music – Prof. Vykintas Baltakas, Assoc. Prof. Liudas Mockūnas and Assoc. Prof. Mantautas Krukauskas. Students of contemporary music from eight foreign universities took part in the workshops, giving the event an international flavour and a flow of new ideas.

The programme included a variety of concerts and improvisational sessions in Vilnius’ cultural spaces: from the inspiring opening “welcomePLAY” concert at the Lithuanian Composers’ Union to experimental performances featuring premieres of works and unexpected experiments in sound research. In the evenings, free improvisation sessions “JamPLAY” took place in the dome space of the Lukiškės Prison, inviting both the participants of the events and all music lovers to join the creative process.

The festival culminated with the closing concerts at the Central Palace of the LMTA, where international artists and sound creators met, leaving a deep impression on both music enthusiasts and critics.

We invite you to take a look at the photos of the events in the gallery!


2025 02 13

Wednesday February 12th, 2025

Apply for the European Chamber Music Master (ECMAster) Programme at LMTA by March 3, 2025!

The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) invites talented chamber musicians to apply for the prestigious European Chamber Music Master (ECMAster) programme. This unique joint master’s degree offers students an unparalleled opportunity to deepen their expertise in chamber music within an international setting, surrounded by a vibrant community of peers and mentors. With applications closing on March 3, 2025, and entrance exams scheduled for March 29, 2025, at 11:00 AM, this is your chance to embark on a transformative musical journey.

The ECMAster programme is a collaborative effort involving several esteemed European music institutions, each contributing its unique perspective to provide students with a truly transnational learning experience. Choosing LMTA as your home institution means immersing yourself in Lithuania’s rich musical heritage and benefiting from top-tier faculty, excellent facilities, and a dynamic artistic community. The academy fosters a deep connection between tradition and innovation, offering a comprehensive curriculum that includes intensive ensemble training, masterclasses, and performance opportunities in Lithuania’s vibrant cultural scene. The programme is designed to prepare students for professional careers in chamber music, emphasizing artistic development, collaboration, and entrepreneurial skills.

The ECMAster programme consists of four semesters, with the first and last one spent at LMTA and the opportunity to study at other renowned institutions across Europe on second and third semesters (such as Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (Austria), Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (France), etc.). While international experience is valuable, LMTA provides a solid foundation through individual mentorship, interdisciplinary projects, and access to Lithuania’s leading concert venues and festivals. Here, students can fully develop their artistic voice while building professional connections within a supportive and creative environment.

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in music or an equivalent qualification and demonstrate strong chamber music performance skills. The entrance exams, held at LMTA, will assess musicianship, ensemble interaction, and artistic expression. Full details on the application process and audition requirements are available on the LMTA website (https://lmta.lt/en/english-lmta-welcomes-foreign-students/english-studies/master-studies/english-joint-programme-ecmaster/).

Apply now to join this exceptional programme and take the first step toward an extraordinary future at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. We eagerly await your application and look forward to supporting your journey to artistic and professional excellence!

For more information, please visit: https://www.ecma-music.com/ecmaster/programme-description/

2025 02 12

Friday January 31st, 2025

FilmEU International Filmmakers Programme at the National Film School of LMTA

This week, the National Film School of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (KIMO) hosted an Erasmus+ Combined Intensive Programme (CIP) organised by FilmEU alliance members – Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA), the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) from Bulgaria, the LUCA School of the Arts (LUCA) from Belgium, and the University of Lusofona (Lusofona) from Portugal. This programme brought together students and lecturers from different countries to promote international cooperation in the fields of film and media.

During the programme, participants delved into different areas of filmmaking such as directing, cinematography, sound design, editing and dramaturgy. During the practical sessions and workshops, students had the opportunity to work in international teams, share their experiences and film their pre-prepared documentary projects over three days. This allowed not only to improve their professional skills but also to broaden their cultural horizons and their understanding of film traditions in different countries.

FilmEU Alliance initiatives such as this mixed intensive programme strengthen cooperation between European film schools and contribute to improving the quality of higher education in the creative industries. As an active member of the Alliance, LMTA aims to foster a new generation of young Europeans capable of collaborating in the various fields of film arts and sciences, and of acquiring interdisciplinary, intercultural and interdisciplinary skills.

Photos by Karina Mečkovska

2025 01 31

Monday January 27th, 2025


2025 m. vasario mėn. LMTA renginiai 
* Informacija nuolat pildoma


2025 m. vasario 2–7 dienomis
LMTA Didžiojoje salėje , LMTA Balkono teatre, LMTA Centrinių rūmų II aukšto fojė, Lietuvos kompozitorių sąjungoje, Vilniaus rotušėje, Organum koncertų salėje, Lukiškių kalėjime 2.0

2025 m. vasario 3–14 dienomis
Klaipėdoje ir Vilniuje
Užsiėmimus veda ANDREAS SANDRI (Graco ir Vienos muzikos ir teatro universitetai, Austrija)


2025 m. vasario 3–7 dienomis
Dalyvauti kviečiami visų specialybių studentai, kurie kuria muziką, kūrinių aranžuotes, transkripcijas, turi klausimų ar abejonių realizuojant savo kūrybines idėjas.
Organizatorius: LMTA Karjeros ir kompetencijų centras

2025 m. vasario 3 d., pirmadienį, 18:30 val.
LMTA Juozo Karoso salėje
Koncertas „Laiko dialogai“

2025 m. vasario 4–6 dienomis
LMTA Operos studijoje
„Judesio režisūra ir barokiniai gestai dainininkams“
Dalyvauja LMTA Dainavimo katedros „Baroko operos“ modulio studentai, dainuojantys André Cardinal Destouches ir Michel Richard Delalande operoje-balete „Les Élémens“ (1720)
Kursai yra Erasmus BIP projekto „LMTA Senosios muzikos savaitė 2025“ dalis

2025 m. vasario 5 ir 7 dienomis
LMTA Centriniuose rūmuose

2025 m. vasario 8 d., šeštadienį
LMTA Kongresų rūmų Amfiteatrinėje salėje (219)

2025 m. vasario 11–13 dienomis
LMTA Klaipėdos fakultete (K. Donelaičio g. 4, Klaipėda)

2025 m. vasario 13 d., ketvirtadienį, 13 ir 15 val.
Microsoft Teams platformoje

2025 m. vasario 13–15 dienomis 
LMTA Studijų miestelyje

2025 m. vasario 14 d., penktadienį, 10 val.
LMTA Kongresų rūmų Kamerinėje salėje

2025 m. vasario 26 d., trečiadienį, 18 val.
„Organum“ koncertų salėje

2025 m. vasario 28 d., penktadienį, 14 val.
LMTA Juozo Karoso salėje
Dalyvauja LMTA Dainavimo katedros studentai
Organizatorius: LMTA Karjeros ir kompetencijų centras



LMTA Centriniai rūmai (Gedimino pr. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA Didžioji salė (Gedimino pr. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA Juozo Karoso salė (Gedimino pr. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA Operos studija (Gedimino pr. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA Balkono teatras (Gedimino pr. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA Kongresų rūmai (Vilniaus g. 6-2, Vilnius)
LMTA Studijų miestelis (Olandų g. 21A, Vilnius)
LMTA Klaipėdos fakultetas (K. Donelaičio g. 4, Klaipėda)
Lietuvos kompozitorių sąjunga (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)
Vilniaus rotušė (Didžioji g. 31)
„Organum“ koncertų salė (Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius)
Lukiškių kalėjimo 2.0 žiedas (Lukiškių skg. 6, Vilnius)
Renginiai nemokami, išskyrus kitaip pažymėtus.
Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija pasilieka teisę keisti renginių programą.
Wednesday January 1st, 2025


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For more information about LMTA events in English, check out the Events section on our front page (below the News section).

Monday December 2nd, 2024

Presentation of Arūnas Žebriūnas’ restored films and LMTA KIMO at the Belfort Film Festival “Entrevues” (France)

On 21-25 November, LMTA National Film School (KIMO) third-year students Eglė Navickaitė, Gabrielė Česevičiūtė, Samanta Molevičiūtė and Urtė-Marija Praniauskaitė, and fourth-year student Simas Narušis took part in the 39th Belfort Film Festival “Entrevues” in France. The students of Film Dramaturgy and Film History and Criticism were accompanied by film industry professionals, lecturers Rasa Paukštytė and Aistė Račaitytė.

During their stay, the students introduced the festival audience to the work of director Arūnas Žebriūnas and three of his films restored at the Lithuanian Film Centre – Gražuolė (Beautiful), Last Day of the Holiday (The Last Day of the Holiday) and Naktibalda (Nightingale). These screenings were part of the Lithuanian Season in France 2024. Žebriūnas’ works have been praised for their unique style of poetic cinema and sensitive narratives that have inspired several generations of filmmakers. During the presentation, students shared their insights into Žebriūnas’ work, revealing the films’ relevance in today’s context and opening a dialogue with the festival’s young audience. Young viewers from the local community of Belphor made up the largest part of the audience of these films.

Together with the films, the delegation presented KIMO, the National Film School of the LMTA, to the festival audience. The exceptional innovative study programmes focused on the training of professionals in the contemporary film and media industry, opportunities for creative development and integration into the international film community were highlighted. The KIMO presentation was an important platform to promote this innovative institution, which is a significant step in the development of cinema in the Baltic region.

In addition to the official film and school presentations, the students had the opportunity to actively participate in the festival’s activities: they delved into the repertoire, discussions and film trends, and watched the closing ceremony and the award ceremony.

This experience was a valuable professional step for students studying film criticism and dramaturgy, as well as proof that Lithuanian cinema and LMTA KIMO are part of the international film community. The festival provided an excellent platform to showcase Lithuania’s film heritage, strengthen the links between Lithuanian filmmakers and foreign audiences and inspire new creative initiatives.

Prepared by Simas Narušis, fourth-year student at LMTA KIMO
2024 12 02

Sunday December 1st, 2024


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For more information about LMTA events in English, check out the Events section on our front page (below the News section).

Friday November 1st, 2024


Sorry, but this page is only available in Lithuanian. For more information about LMTA events in English, check out the Events section on our front page (below the News section).

Wednesday October 30th, 2024

Helio String Quartet of the LMTA at the National Conservatory of Paris

On the 1st of November, the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) will hold a concert at the National Conservatory of Paris, where the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Helio String Quartet will present a programme of Lithuanian chamber music.

From 29th of October to 2nd of November the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) session takes place at the Conservatoire National de Paris. The five-day masterclasses will culminate in concerts on 1st and 2nd of November, featuring chamber music works prepared by the ensembles that have developed their skills during the ECMA session. The ECMA organisers encouraged the ensembles to perform works by Lithuanian composers. Lithuania is represented in the ECMA session by the Helio String Quartet and teachers Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė and Prof. Dr. Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli.

On the 29th of October, musicologist Prof. Dr. Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli will give an open lecture “Defining Identity: A Quest of ‘Lithuanianness’ in Music as Performance” at the Conservatory. On 1st of November at 7 pm. Helio String Quartet instrumentalists Saulė Buišaitė (violin), Monika Dargytė (violin), Rūta Buišaitė (viola) and Vaiva Sodaitytė (cello) will present a programme of Lithuanian chamber music. Eduardas Balsys’ String Quartet Part III and Anatoly Shenderov’s String Quartet No. 3 will be performed. Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė, a long-time promoter of chamber music and organiser of ECMA sessions in Lithuania, together with the world’s best chamber music specialists, will conduct ECMA masterclasses.

“We feel honoured to be members of this prestigious organisation for more than 10 years. Lithuania is the only Baltic country to be a member of this organisation,” says Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė, Chair of Chamber Ensemble at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

The European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) is an international network of eight of the most prominent European music academies, initiated in 2006 by the eminent chamber music professors and promoters of the genre Hatto Bayerle (viola, Germany) and Johannes Meissl (violin, Austria).

ECMA is Europe’s young talent authority. It focuses on established chamber ensembles such as string quartets, piano trios and others. To promote the development of the chamber music tradition, ECMA supports the best young and energetic ensembles, organises training for the most talented performers in its partner institutions, and ensures that the performers’ concert careers continue.

ECMA sessions were attended by the student string quartet “Festivo” from LMTA, the doctoral student trio “Claviola”, the graduate of the Academy, the ECMA postgraduate string quartet “Mettis”, and the prize-winning piano trio “FortVio”

More information about the events: https://www.conservatoiredeparis.fr/fr/saison-20242025/academie-europeenne-de-musique-de-chambre

The LMTA project at the Paris Conservatoire is part of the LMTA’s interdisciplinary programme “L’Ecole imaginaire-Lingua-Franca”.

“L‘Ecole imaginaire-Lingua-Franca” is part of the Season of Lithuania in France 2024. The Season is organized by the Lithuanian culture Institute and the French Institute in Paris.

2024 10 30

Monday October 21st, 2024

New RESONO Joint Master’s Programme: international music creation and performance studies

The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) together with its partners is launching a new joint Master’s programme in English – RESONO: Collaborative Music Creation and Performance. This programme is unique in its internationality and the opportunities for collaboration between three renowned higher education institutions: Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo (ESMAE) and the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. The aim of the programme is to develop creative music performers and creators who are able to work in an international team and present contemporary musical projects.

RESONO has recently been accredited in Portugal, where it has been granted a maximum accreditation period of six years. This reflects the high quality and international recognition of the programme. Students will have the opportunity to study in different countries and contribute to joint creative projects, thus gaining a unique international experience. The programme places particular emphasis on co-creation in order to create innovative and professional musical solutions.

The new programme is scheduled to start in the academic year 2025-2026. Further details on admission requirements and the study schedule will be announced in the near future. For more information about the RESONO Master’s programme, please visit:

2024 10 21

Tuesday October 8th, 2024

Prof. Petras Skirmantas is a recipient of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport’s Medal of Honour!

Petras Skirmantas, Professor of Dance and Movement at the Faculty of Theatre and Dance of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, has been awarded the Honorary Medal of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania. This award is the Ministry’s highest honour, given for significant achievements in Lithuanian education, science and sport. P. Skirmantas was honoured for his long-standing contribution to the development of Lithuanian dance art and the strengthening of dance education.

The award will be presented to him on 14 October, the day of the founding of the Education Commission of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This award is a sign of recognition not only for the professor, but also for the entire Lithuanian dance community.

Professor’s activities include not only teaching and training students, but also creative projects and cooperation with various international dance organisations. His innovative approach to dance and movement, as well as his commitment to the development of a new generation of dancers, is appreciated both in Lithuania and abroad. This prestigious award highlights his contribution not only to dance, but also to the development of culture in Lithuania.

LMTA inf.

Monday September 16th, 2024

New opportunities at LMTA – the Department of Film and TV became the National Film School (KIMO)

This September, after more than three decades of existence, the Department of Film and Television at the Faculty of Theatre and Cinema of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) officially became the LMTA National Film School (KIMO). This important change marks a new stage in film education in Lithuania and reflects the growth and achievements of the Academy. 

LMTA is the only higher education institution in Lithuania that offers film studies programmes. Founded in 1993 by the legendary director Henrikas Šablevičius, the Department of Film and Television has produced more than 1000 graduates who are today active in the Lithuanian film industry. Among them are international award-winning filmmakers such as Laurynas Bareiša, whose film “Pilgrims” was named the best film in the Orizzonti programme of the Venice Film Festival, Marija Kavtaradze, who won an award at the Sundance Film Festival, Saulė Bliuvaitė, who was awarded at the Locarno Film Festival, Vytautas Katkus, who was selected for the competition programme of the Cannes Film Festival, Audrius Stonys, who received the award from the European Academy of Cinema, and others.

The success of LMTA graduates, the high quality of their studies and united community have led to the popularity of film studies. In recent years, the number of specialisations in film studies at the LMTA has grown from four to seven, and the number of students has increased by around 40%. The development of film studies has been reinforced by the LMTA’s membership of the international alliance FilmEU and a new, modern infrastructure – this year marked the start of work by lecturers and students on the new LMTA Study Campus.

The National Film School will continue to train film directors, cinematographers, sound designers, editors, playwrights, producers and researchers in film culture. It will also host a wide range of national and international research on film and media, and initiate projects to promote intercultural dialogue and innovation.

“The creation of the National Film School will help to ensure continuity between different generations of filmmakers, facilitate the transfer of knowledge and ensure the accumulation of filmmaking experience. I also believe that it will become a unifying space for the entire film field and a potential forum for discussions on the further development of Lithuanian cinema,” emphasises Associate Professor Laurynas Bareiša, film director.

The mission of the National Film School is to provide a comprehensive education in film and media, combining theory, practice and innovation. “We strive to foster creativity, experimentation and an individual approach, ensuring that our students are able to create compelling and meaningful stories,” says the head of KIMO, Assoc. Prof. Vytautas Dambrauskas.

According to the Rector of the LMTA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Judita Žukienė, “The film studies and the film artists who teach there have recently been a source of joy at the Academy in terms of their relevance, creativity and openness to innovation. I have no doubt that the transformation of the Department into the National Film School and the opening of new spaces for filmmaking will stimulate a breakthrough in the studios and will strengthen their competitiveness in the international field of studies”.

KIMO is taught by renowned filmmakers and researchers of different generations, including National Prize laureates and internationally acclaimed artists such as Laurynas Bareiša, Audrius Stonys, Marija Kavtaradze, Giedrė Beinoriūtė, Ramūnas Greičius, Vytis Puronas, Birutė Kapustinskaitė, Titas Laucius and others. “The Department, which has become the National Film School, has acquired its own face and a clear vision, which will help to maintain the link between the filmmakers of the past and the filmmakers of the future,” said Audrius Stonys, a filmmaker, professor, doctor of art.


2024 09 16

Tuesday August 27th, 2024

Opening of the LMTA Study Campus

After more than twelve years of negotiations, preparations and successful construction, the students and lecturers of theatre, film and dance specialisations of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) are starting the new academic year in the new buildings of the study campus at Olandų str. 21A, Vilnius. The Faculty of Theatre and Film and the Small Halls Block will concentrate and make effective use of the synergies between the arts and the opportunities for interdisciplinary art. It is a unique space for study, creation and research, allowing the most up-to-date artistic and scientific innovations to be put into practice.

The theatre studios have a modern Black Theatre Hall with a capacity of over 170 people, 9 spacious classrooms for acting and directing classes and 6 smaller classrooms for individual work and self-study. With specialised flooring, the 4 dance classrooms are fully equipped for contemporary and classical dance studies. The White Ballroom, a very spacious, almost 9 m high room, is open for dance performances.

The new infrastructure for cinema is designed for all stages of creation, production and dissemination: from filming and editing to screening. This includes large and small film studios, a make-up room, a sound studio, video and sound editing rooms, a light-testing auditorium, screening rooms, a cinema laboratory (Dolby Atmos sound system) and a 99-seat cinema hall (Dolby surround sound system).

In order to provide the best possible conditions for lecturers and students, the new Academy building includes 3 modern lounges, which will become a place for discussion, collaboration and generation of new ideas. A new professorium is available for meetings, discussions and lecture preparation for the faculty.

The value of the project for the construction of the first two buildings of the LMTA Study Campus is over 29 million Euros, of which 19 million Euros were financed by the EU Regional Development Fund and the state budget, and 10.2 million Euros were covered by the LMTA’s own and borrowed funds. The investment was used for the contract works for the first phase of the construction of the buildings of the Study Campus, for the purchase of specialised equipment for art studios and for creative and research innovations. The design work for the Campus was carried out by UAB “Paleko archstudija” and UAB “Projektų rengimo centras”. The contract works were carried out by UAB “Infes”.

The completion of the first stage of the construction of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre’s study campus and the opening of new modern spaces dedicated specifically for theatre, cinema and dance are already influencing the Faculty’s development, ensuring the competitiveness of studies and creating conditions for the development of relations and joint projects with international partners. The successful implementation of the project is an exceptional event in Lithuanian culture. The new complex of innovations in art creation, research and studies will be opened to the general public: The LMTA will invite its students and teachers to performances, dance events, film screenings, project presentations, discussions and meetings with the creators of today and tomorrow.

The opening of the first buildings of the LMTA Study Campus will take place on 30 August.


2024 08 27

Tuesday August 20th, 2024

New Wave of Lithuanian Cinema Dominates Locarno film festival: Six Awards for Emerging Talents

On August 17, 2024, the awards ceremony of the 77th Locarno International Film Festival took place in Switzerland. Lithuanian filmmakers proudly brought home six awards!

The festival’s main prize, the Golden Leopard, was won by director Saulė Bliuvaitė, an alumna of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA), for her debut feature film “Toxic” (“Akiplėša”). This film also won the Best Debut award and received two monetary prizes from the Ecumenical and Youth Juries.

“Toxic” tells the story of teenage life in a bleak industrial district. Dreaming of escaping their town with no prospects, thirteen-year-olds Marija and Kristina prepare to participate in the country’s biggest modeling competition. In their pursuit to meet beauty standards, the girls resort to drastic measures. “This story is based on real events, and the characters are real people. When I started making this film, I thought I was telling a story about the past, about the face of my generation, about something that no longer exists. But during the creative process, interacting with many teenagers of different ages, I realized that the film’s theme is very relevant to them as well. I allowed myself not to be tied to a specific time period, merging my experiences with those of contemporary teenagers. This shaped the world of the film, which has no time definition,” explains the film’s director, Saulė Bliuvaitė. The film’s cinematographer is Vytautas Katkus, producer Giedrė Burokaitė, and executive producer Justė Michailinaitė.

Another film bringing home two awards for Lithuania is “Drowning Dry” (“Sesės”), directed by Laurynas Bareiša (produced by Klementina Remeikaitė and Matiss Kaža). This film won the Best Director award, and the cast—Gelminė Glemžaitė, Agnė Kaktaitė, Giedrius Kiela, and Paulius Markevičius—was recognized for Best Acting.

The film takes place on a hot summer day. Two couples—Justė with her family and Ernesta with her son and husband, who has just celebrated a victory in the martial arts ring—arrive at a countryside house for a peaceful weekend. A lake, an outdoor terrace with a grill, conversations about life and future plans—everything seems normal. But soon, it becomes clear that beneath the idyllic surface of their relationships lie unspoken feelings, jealousy, and competition. It’s only a matter of time before everything comes to the surface.



Director Laurynas Bareiša, an associate professor at the LMTA National Film School and one of the heads of the Film Master’s program, won the Venice Film Festival’s “Horizons” award two years ago with his debut film “Pilgrims” (produced by Klementina Remeikaitė).

Sources: kinopavasaris.lt; lkc.lt; lmta.lt

Tuesday July 9th, 2024

The 100th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Song Celebration

In July 2024, Lithuania started the month of July with the 100th anniversary Song Festival. This unique tradition, recognised by UNESCO, brought together thousands of participants from Lithuania and abroad to celebrate the vitality of the nation’s culture, history and traditions. The theme of the celebration, “May the Green Forest Grow”, symbolised the synthesis of nature and culture, encouraging the preservation of both nature and culture for future generations.

A large number of students, alumni and lecturers of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre helped to create a spectacular and inspiring atmosphere of the festival with their songs, dances, conductor’s gestures, and sounds of instruments. We are very grateful to them!

The main highlights of the celebration were Anniversary Song Day “Hills Green with Forests” in Kaunas, Kanklės Concert “Let the Kanklės Play”, Ensembles Evening “The Tree of Life”, Vocal Ensembles Concert “Who are You, Earth?”, Brass Band Concert “Brass Storm” and Dance Day “Through the Bridges of the Ages”. The finale of the celebration was the Song Day participant procession and concert in Vingis Park, which was attended by almost 400 choirs and around 12 000 singers.

2024 07 09

Monday July 1st, 2024

New faces: the 26th Summer Media Studio 2024 brings together creators from Lithuania and around the world

Facing the shortest night of the year, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LAMT) together with the Audiovisual Arts Industry Incubator (AMII) gathered young filmmakers from all over the world to the 26th edition of the International Film Workshop “Summer Media Studio 2024” in Pervalka!

This year, participants from 11 countries. The organisers are very happy to see a real Neringian, cameraman Adomas Barkauskas, among this year’s motley group of participants. The selected filmmakers will participate in the project for two weeks, from 23 June to 6 July. Throughout the project, the participants will deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge, and will work closely with each other and with experienced teachers, who are always ready to share the subtleties of the art of filmmaking and are ready to help. In order to cover each area of film production more and more, each year the Summer Media Studio delves deeper into a different area of the industry, and this year’s theme, “Script Mastery”, gives participants the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the cinematic story and its fulfilment by turning the urban and natural areas of Neringa into film sets.

The participants have already received lectures and shared their knowledge and experience from unique filmmakers, who have also come from all over the world: Oscar-nominated filmmaker Jonathan Tammuz (Canada/UK), screenwriter and director Damià Serra Cauchetiez (Spain, Catalonia), Indiana University screenwriting professor Susan Kelly (USA), producer and professor Anna Huth (Poland), producer Paul Nethercott (USA).

This year the participants have been divided into 8 film production teams and are already in the process of filming for the shooting days. The participants are making great use of the existing opportunities in the area, interacting and collaborating with local residents, entrepreneurs and cultural representatives, as well as diving in the places that have become symbols of Neringa. So if you see groups making films on the island of Neringa with laughter and great ideas, don’t be scared, they are the Summer Media Studio participants. And already on 5 July at 6 pm. On 5 and 5 pm, at the Liudvikas Reza Cultural Centre in Juokrante, you will have the opportunity to see films made by young artists. More information: www.summermediastudio.lt.

The organisers of the project are the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and the Audiovisual Arts Industry Incubator.

Project sponsors and partners: Neringa City Municipality, Creative Europe MEDIA Bureau, Erasmus+, Klaipėda City Municipality, State Fund for Studies, Lithuanian Film Centre, AVAKA, LAMT Student Representation, VilniusTECH, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Student Representation, Latvian Academy of Culture, Tallinn University, Beira Interior University, Neringa – Culture Island, Karaliaus Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre, Studio Nethercott, Cine Wave, Klaipėda Film Office, Liudvikas Reza Culture Centre, Klaipėda Youth Theatre, Taško Theatre.

Thursday June 20th, 2024

Europe’s most talented young chamber music ensembles to hone their skills and perform in Vilnius

Europe’s most talented young chamber ensembles will be in Vilnius for the whole week of St John’s Day to hone their performance skills. The European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) session will conclude with the launch of the digital platform for performers’ career skills and two chamber ensemble concerts at the Museum of Energy and Technology and the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

“This is the eighth edition of the European Chamber Music Academy masterclasses, lectures, workshops and concerts organised by the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. We feel honoured to be members of this prestigious organisation for more than 10 years. Lithuania is the only Baltic country that belongs to this organisation. Our sessions always attract a lot of attention from foreign professors and ensembles and are highly appreciated”, says Prof. Dr. Indrė Baikštytė. 

This ECMA session will focus on career planning for chamber music ensemble performers and on developing skills in new performance forms. The practical lectures will be given by chamber music luminaries: the ECMA’s Artistic Director, violinist Prof. Johannes Meissl, Vice-Rector of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, pianist Prof. Avedis Kouyoumdjian, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and violist Prof. Patrick Jüdt, University of the Arts Berne. Curator and consultant Andreas Vierziger, who has worked with brands such as Vivienne Westwood, Netflix and Sony Pictures, and Inga Uus, a coach, start-up mentor, strategic management and marketing consultant, will also share their experience.

The eighth ECMA Session is special because it will launch the ECMA Digital Knowledge Platform, a new digital tool to help young chamber music ensembles develop. On this platform, chamber music ensemble performers will find a wealth of useful information, lessons, lectures and presentations on chamber music performance, teaching and career opportunities. The new digital tool will be launched at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, from where it will be broadcast to many European music schools. Two piano trios participating in the ECMA session, Ensemble Ramé and Trio Susato, will play during the event.

The ECMA session brings together 6 ensembles from 5 European music schools: the Susato Trio, the Trio Sheliak, Ensemble Ramé, the Cuore Piano Trio, the Coda Quartet and the Helio String Quartet. It is truly impressive that these ensembles include musicians from as many

as 10 different countries – Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium, USA, Philippines, Ukraine, Norway, China and Lithuania. Our country is represented this year by the young and promising Helio String Quartet. All these chamber ensembles participating in the ECMA Session will be heard in two concerts open to the public on 27 June at 7 pm. 27 June at the Museum of Energy and Technology and 29 June at 7 pm. The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Great Hall.

“In these concerts, which will take place in a special setting, we will hear refined interpretations of piano trios and string quartets. The programme includes time-honoured masterpieces of chamber music, as well as new works from the second half of the 20th century. This only confirms the great power of chamber music to bring the world and its people closer together,” says I. Baikštytė. 

ECMA, or the European Chamber Music Academy, is an international network of European music academies whose mission is to nurture young talent by focusing on established chamber music ensembles such as string quartets, piano trios and others. In order to promote the chamber music tradition and the best young and driven ensembles, the ECMA organises training for top-class performers and provides opportunities for them to present themselves to the general public through concerts.
ECMA graduates and world-renowned ensembles such as the Boulanger Trio, Quartetto di Cremona, Minetti Quartet, Quatuor Zaïde, Trio Gaspard, Trio Bohémo, and many others have gone on to successful careers. Two Lithuanian ensembles – the FortVio Piano Trio (2012-2014) and the Mettis String Quartet (2014-2016) – have become laureates of renowned international competitions thanks to ECMA training, and have given numerous concerts abroad, featuring not only world classical and contemporary music, but also Lithuanian chamber music repertoire.

Friday June 14th, 2024

The first FILMEU Forum: what has been decided

The first annual FilmEU Summit 2024, the forum of the FilmEU Alliance of European Universities. Navigating the future” took place last week, bringing together more than 150 participants: teachers, administrators and students from eight countries. The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre team shares their impressions and news.

The Forum’s agenda was packed with a wide range of events: a symposium of Alliance leaders, thematic working group meetings, inspiring presentations by experts, interesting presentations of artistic research projects, a screening of student films and informal networking with colleagues from all Alliance partner HEIs. 

The event featured a variety of closed and open sessions – working group meetings, activity presentations, guest speakers, a leadership symposium, meetings of the Academic Council and the Alliance Steering Committee – to discuss important issues related to the future of the film and media industry, scientific and artistic research and innovation, and higher education integration.
The meetings discussed one of the important objectives of the FilmEU Alliance, which is to contribute to the integration and standardisation of higher education in Europe, not only facilitating the movement of students between different countries and universities, but also increasing the recognition of their qualifications across Europe.

“Even before the official launch of the programme, representatives of LMTA and other higher education institutions from other countries have been working intensively on the development of a joint bachelor’s degree programme. The content of the studies, the expected programme outcomes, the movement of students between institutions, quality assurance and other important elements were discussed and approved. This joint degree programme is expected to start in 2025. As an associate member of this joint study programme, LMTA will contribute by organising a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) for all students of the intended joint study programme. It is expected that this programme will open even wider international opportunities for both LMTA and foreign students”, – shares Natalija Verbickienė, Head of Quality and Strategic Planning Department. 

Importantly, the Academic Council of the European University of Cinema and Media Arts, consisting of rectors, presidents, deans, steering committee, student and staff representatives, gathered in Bratislava during the Forum, issued a joint statement in support of the idea and implementation of a common European degree.

Ingrida Jasonienė, Project Manager, says that the WIRE meeting at the Forum has planned training sessions for PhD students until the end of 2028, a MOOC and a Fall Seminar for researchers, including third-country researchers from Ukraine and the Balkans, as well as training for researchers in the laboratories of the FilmEU Alliance schools.

Vitalij Zenčenko, FilmEU project coordinator, stresses that the work of the international audiovisual team of students who took part in the Forum deserves special mention: “The students from different disciplines – photographers, cameramen, editors – did an excellent job in creating video reviews of the event, social media posts, and recording interviews with the guests and organisers. We are glad that even four students from the Film and Television Department of the LMTA – National Film School – were among them!”

Wednesday June 5th, 2024

Unconscious Bias Training for the Creative and Cultural Industries

FilmEU, an alliance of European Creative Industries Schools, of which the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre is a member, invites the academy’s lecturers and students to a seminar on unconscionable bias.

Have you heard of unconscious bias, but are unsure what it really means? Would you like to examine the impact unconscious bias has within the creative and cultural industries? Join us for this session to help you develop an understanding and awareness of how unconscious bias works, and learn strategies to help reduce its negative impact.

In the creative and cultural industries, we often work in roles where we create media, or support the creation of media, that is consumed by the masses. With this role comes the responsibility of telling stories that fairly and accurately reflect the diversity of our world. If we do not understand the concept of unconscious bias, then we cannot ensure that the media that we create does not endorse negative stereotypes. These stereotypes and unconscious biases can also affect the way we work in diverse, multi-national teams.

In this online workshop, IADT’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team will explore what unconscious bias is and how it can manifest in our creative and professional work. We will provide strategies for helping to check our biases, and steps to introduce into your work to ensure we are staying alert to these biases.


Session outline:

•             Statistics from creative and cultural industries across Europe

•             What unconscious bias is and how it impacts our judgement

•             Different types of bias

·       How unconscious bias can play out in the creative and cultural industries and the negative impact it can have

•             How unconscious bias can play out within work relationships within diverse, multi-national teams

•             Practical tools and techniques to help address and mitigate unconscious bias in your working lives


Date: 2024 m. June 11th

TIme: 1300 (EEST)

Registration: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsce2vqzIqH9MH3F_ijVzSyj6T0eUSM-zt#/registration

More info:  https://www.filmeu.eu/news/filmeu-unconscious-bias-training-for-the-creative-and-cultural-industries

Friday May 24th, 2024

Forum of Lithuanian and Sakartvelo cultures in Tbilisi

This week the Vice-Rector of Arts and Science Ramunė Balevičiūtė visited Sakartvelis, where she took part in the first Lithuanian-Sakartvelis Cultural Forum. She gave a presentation on the history and present of Lithuanian theatre at the Lithuanian Language and Culture Centre of Prof. Vidas Kavaliauskas of the Technical University of Sakartvelo, under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Sakartvelo.
She also visited the Shota Rostaveli Theatre and Film University and discussed ways to strengthen cooperation with the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.
“Lithuania and Sakartvel have close cultural ties. It is great to feel the admiration of the people of Kartveli for our culture and art – cinema, theatre, photography. However, our artists have also been and continue to be influenced by the artists of Sakartveland. Equally important is some deep emotional or spiritual connection between us and the artists and cultural people of Kartveli. Of course, the fact that a number of Lithuanian artists were educated in Tbilisi and spent their formative years here is also important. Today, the trajectories of higher education in Lithuania and Sakartveli are somewhat diverging, but we certainly have something to offer each other and to learn from each other,” the Vice-Rector shares her impressions.


Friday May 17th, 2024

Tips to help you get through the exam session

For almost every student, the exam session is the most difficult period of their studies. After all, you have to demonstrate your knowledge in many different areas over a few weeks. Gabija Sruogiūtė-Stašienė, a psychologist at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, has given some tips on how to get through the exam session with less stress.

VIDEO ARTICLE (in Lithuanian)

Gabija Sruogiūtė-Stašienė, psychologist at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre:

“I will share a few tips on how to reduce the tension during the exam.

First of all, it is perfectly normal to worry. All people experience anxiety and worry before important life events, especially exams. A little excitement is, in fact, even good for us, because it releases adrenaline, which mobilises and activates our body and then sharpens our senses, our memory, our concentration, and we are better able to make use of the resources we have. However, sometimes anxiety is so great that, instead of mobilising us, it stiffens and paralyses us. We certainly do not want to experience such anxiety before exams. Therefore, what should we do to prevent this from happening? Very often anxiety comes from a place of uncertainty, so the more clarity we give ourselves in this situation, the calmer we will feel. What I mean is that it is very important to have a learning plan. When we have to prepare for an exam, this is usually a huge amount of information (material) that we have to process. Breaking that material down into smaller chunks will make it much easier for us to absorb and prepare for it than trying to learn everything at once. When we try to learn everything at once, we automatically worry that it will be too much and we won’t be able to keep up. However, when we have a learning plan, when we know that a certain topic is scheduled for a certain day, we feel much more at ease in completing the tasks scheduled for that day.

Another important thing is to have a routine, i.e. go to bed at a certain time, get up at a certain time, eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and do physical activity. Very often it seems that during a session you should cut down on social contacts and not meet anyone, shut yourself in and study. However, researchers say that being around people and having social contacts helps reduce anxiety and tension. In a study on chimpanzees, they found that when a chimpanzee is alone, her levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, are much higher than when she is around other chimpanzees. So having a person or several people with whom you can sit, relax or talk about your feelings is very healthy. It is also very important to remember to take breaks during learning. Normally, you should take breaks every hour, every hour and a half for 15-20 minutes. Also, studies have shown that people who take a 15-minute break every hour and a half are 20% more productive than those who do not.

Another thing that can help us to concentrate when studying and also help us to relax and reduce anxiety is physical activity. Physical activity helps us feel invigorated.Physical activity releases adrenaline, which gives us strength and energy. Physical activity also releases endorphins, which are the pleasure and happiness hormones that help us feel confident and calm. Regular sport is a great way to maintain productivity. Another thing that can help relieve tension is breathing. Breathing exercises are very important to practice so that when a stressful situation comes up, you already have the skill and can calm down. Many breathing exercises can be found on the internet, but one of the simplest and easiest breathing exercises is the 3-3-3 principle. This means that on the count of three we breathe in, then on the count of three we hold our breath and on the remaining three we breathe out. You should repeat this breathing pattern for 3-5 minutes. Breathing slows down our heart rate and this sends signals to our brain that we are calm and relaxed. You can also take advantage of apps that you can download on your phone. One of these apps is called “Ramu”. There you can choose which breathing technique you want to do and how much time you want to spend on it, then find a safe, quiet place where you can sit or lie down and listen to the instructions and follow them.

It’s important to note that most stress is in our heads. After all, we are not normally in any danger here and now. However, when we start thinking, our brain sends signals to our body and our body starts to react as if there really is some kind of danger here and now.Therefore, it is very important to learn to recognise our irrational thoughts, which do not help us to study, to prepare for an examination, or to be at our best during an examination.Irrational thoughts can be such as “I can’t do anything”, “I will fail”, “I am a loser”, “I will fail”, “I didn’t have enough time to prepare”, “I will fail”, etc.The key is to recognise these thoughts and then to stop them by changing them into more positive, supportive thoughts, such as “I will breathe easy and calm down now”, “it is just excitement and it can’t spoil anything for me”, “I have been preparing and I will pay”, “I will succeed”, and so on, in order to come back to reality and accept that “I have been trying, I have been working, and I will be fine”. Scientists studying body language have discovered that our body position can not only indicate how we feel, but it can also influence how we feel. If you wake up on the morning of an exam in the fetal position, which is associated with insecurity and lack of confidence, researchers suggest lying in bed for at least a few more minutes, snoozing, lying down in the starfish pose and staying in that position for 2-3 minutes. Starfish pose is associated with self-confidence. Scientists have discovered that a certain posture changes the balance of hormones in our body, i.e. it decreases cortisol (the stress hormone) and increases testosterone (the self-confidence hormone) when we are in a certain posture. Also, before an exam, researchers recommend sitting with your arms raised in the winner’s pose or burying your hands in a wall as if you were trying to push it. This also mobilises the body and helps you feel more confident.

Finally, remember that there is always a solution to any situation and ask yourself, what is the worst that could happen?Very often we create bad scenarios but forget to find a counterbalance or, in other words, the answers to what I would do if it really happened.
When we focus not on thinking about what will go wrong, but on how we would deal with such situations, the level of anxiety and stress also decreases.

I wish everyone the best of luck. Be active, breathe, think positive and you will pass all your exams!”

2024 05 17


2025/03/17 - 2025/03/22


17-22 March 2025
LMTA Balcony Theatre (Gedimino Ave. 42, Vilnius)
LMTA II Building Foyer (Vilniaus g. 6-2, Vilnius)
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros a. 4, Vilnius)

Erasmus+ BIP project


19 March, 2025  
Disco evening “Baroque Vibes, Disco Moves”
LMTA Balcony Theatre (Gedimino ave. 42, Vilnius) 
Edmundas Žička (dance)
Domantas Pūras, Ignas Šoliūnas (electronics)

21 March, 2025
Early Music Day
Early Music in the corridors of LMTA
LMTA Building 2 Lobby (Vilniaus str. 6-2, Vilnius)               
Performers: participants of LMTA Early Music Week

22 March, 2025
André Cardinal Destouches ir Michel Richard Delalande opera-ballet Les Élémens (1721)
National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, The Great Renaissance Hall (Katedros a. 4, Vilnius)
Fabio Bonizzoni – musical director,
Judyta Tupczyńska – first violin and leader,
Elizabeth Svarstad – choreographer,
Rūta Vox – artistic director,
participants of LMTA Early Music Week

Pre-registration is required by clicking on this link.

The event is part of the project “LMTA Early Music Week 2025” and Eleventh International Marco Scacchi Early Music Festival.

Entrance free.

Organizer: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

Partners: Guido Cantelli Conservatory of Music (Italy), Royal Conservatoire The Hague (Netherlands), Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Belgium), University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Austria), University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar (Germany), Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Norway), The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz (Poland), The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (Poland), Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (Latvia), Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Estonia), National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, French Institute in Lithuania, Association ”Gilles Binchois“, Vilnius Academy of Arts.

We are supported by LMTA SA, Art Centre, Music Innovation Studies Centre.

Project coordinators:

Beatričė Baltrušaitytė – „LMTA Early Music Week 2025“ coordinator, senior specialist of the LMTA Quality and Strategic Planning Office, beatrice.baltrusaityte@lmta.lt

Dr. Rūta Vosyliūtė – opera project coordinator, Baroque opera specialisation coordinator and lecturer at the LMTA Department of Vocal Performance,  ruta.vosyliute@lmta.lt

Rima Rimšaitė – head of the LMTA International Relations Office, rima.rimsaite@lmta.lt

Domantas Pūras – senior specialist of the LMTA International Relations Office, domantas.puras@lmta.lt  



Saturday 22 March 2025, 18:00-19:30
Grand Renaissance Hall of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros Square 4, Vilnius)


Les Élémens or Ballet des élemens is an opera-ballet by French composers André Cardinal Destouches and Michel Richard Delalande. The libretto was written by Pierre-Charles Roy. The opera was first performed at the Tuileries, Paris on 31 December 1721, with the 11-year-old Louis XV participating in the dancing.

Students and teachers from higher music schools in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland.

Fabio Bonizzoni (Italy)musical director
Rūta Vox (Lithuania) – artistic director
Elisabeth Svarstad (Norway) choreographer

Scenographers: Haroldas Kuliešius, Agnė Vinčaitė, Ieva Vaičiulytė, Vaiva Paulauskaitė, Viktoriia Khomovnenko

Justina Mykolaitytė – Venus, Leukosi, Emilia
Ervinas Jasevičius – Destiny, Neptune, Ixion, Valero
Karolina Parmas – Arion, Juno
Vilius Tumalavičius – Mercury
Gabrielė Andrulytė – Amour, Nymph
Adrijana Balsytė – Nymph
Vasilisa Agarkova Nymph

Valeriia Khylko (Norway)
Maia  Roman (Norway)
Benjamin  Hovdenak (Norway)

International Baroque Orchestra L’Air“

Judyta Tupczyńska (Poland)first violin and leader
Jana Zariņa (Latvia) – basso continuo (harpsichord)

Lecturers: lekt. dr. Rūta Vox (Vosyliūtė), lekt. Jūratė Širvytė-Rukštelė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), doc. Giedrė Brazytė (Vilnius Academy of Arts)

Entrance free. Pre-registration is required by clicking on this link.

The event is part of the project “LMTA Early Music Week 2025” and Eleventh International Marco Scacchi Early Music Festival.

More information about “LMTA Early Music Week 2025” here.

Organizer: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

Partners: Guido Cantelli Conservatory of Music (Italy), Royal Conservatoire The Hague (Netherlands), Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Belgium), University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (Austria), University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar (Germany), Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Norway), The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz (Poland), The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice (Poland), Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (Latvia), Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Estonia), National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, French Institute in Lithuania, Association „Gilles Binchois“, Vilnius Academy of Arts.