International Relations
LMTA internationalization is seen as a key driver for improvement and development. In the age of globalization, the international and intercultural competences of students and staff are increasingly important. Therefore, the Academy supports mobility and networking and extends partnerships with higher education institutions of similar profile in Europe and beyond.
In frames of Erasmus+ programme, the LMTA cooperates with about 156 partner institutions throughout Europe and runs together students and staff mobility, strategic partnership projects and other project-based cooperation.
The strategic priority of the Academy is Nordic-Baltic cooperation. We are partners of Nordplus networks: NordClassic (classical music), Nordpuls (jazz), NordOpera (opera studies and professional integration), the folk music network Nordtrad, the music pedagogy network NNME, the Baltic-Nordic Music Therapy network, Nordplus horizontal network Percussion puls, the interdisciplinary network CAPE (Creative Arts Pedagogy and the Environment), the network for art entrepreneurship ActinArt, and Norteas (theatre schools).
The Academy is an active member of these international associations:
– AEC European Association of Conservatoires
– ANMA Association of Nordic Academies of Music
– EDE European Theatre Schools Association
– EOA European Opera Academy
– ELIA globally connected European network of higher arts education
– ECMA European Chamber Music Academy and Association
– ECMTA European Chamber Music Teachers Association
– E:UTSA Europe: Union of Theatre Schools and Academies
– CILECT International Association of Film and Television Schools
Global networking is extended to countries outside the EU and includes Georgia, Senegal, Serbia and Israel (Erasmus+ KA107 mobility partners), as well as Armenia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and the USA (bilateral cooperation agreements).
Special support for students and teaching staff from Ukraine includes fast acceptance, free accommodation in students’ dormitory (Giedraičių str. 57, Vilnius), free accommodation for academic staff at LMTA guest apartments and free tuition.
International Relations Office
Head of the Office:
Rima Rimšaitė
Phone: (+370 5) 212 4967
Address: Gedimino Ave. 42, Vilnius (room 103)
Senior specialist:
Audrius Dabrovolskas
Phone: (+370 5) 261 0131
Address: Gedimino Ave. 42, Vilnius (room 102)
Senior specialist:
Kristina Valentonienė
Phone: (+370 5) 261 0131
Address: Gedimino Ave. 42, Vilnius (room 102)
Chief Specialist:
Giedrė Kabašinskienė
Phone: (+370 5) 261 0131
Address: Kosciuškos 12, Vilnius (room 312)