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Erasmus for incoming students

How to Apply 

Please check the list of Partner Institutions and make sure that your home institution is one of the LMTA Erasmus partners. Incoming students may apply for one semester or a full academic year.

All applications must be submitted on Easy Mobility Online at https://mobility.aec-music.eu/LoginServlet

If your home institution does not use Easy Mobility Online platform, you can still submit your application as a student from an External institution.

Erasmus application includes:

  • Learning agreement (choose the desired courses from our Course catalogue)
  • Portfolio – up to 15 min. of video/audio performance (attached as a link to Youtube/Vimeo sites, or files linking to Dropbox or Wetransfer that opens without passwords or logins) 
  • Transcript of records
  • Housing Application Form (those who would like to apply for accommodation in the student dormitory)

Other accommodation options are provided by City House Vilnius.

Learning Agreement 

Learning agreement for students: LA_Incoming

The learning agreement should be agreed between three parties (home, host institution and student), and signed after confirmation of acceptance only. Exchange students may select up to 30 ECTS for the semester studies, and up to 60 ECTS for the academic year. 

Deadlines for Erasmus Applications:

  • May 15th* for the Autumn Semester or full academic year;
  • November 15th for Spring Semester.

Applications proceed to the relevant departments, and the decision making takes up to four weeks. Applicants will be informed about the application results immediately.

*The Application deadline is prolonged until June 15th. It is aplicable for 2022/2023 applications only.

For any queries related to mobility, please do not hesitate to contact the student exchange coordinator Audrius Dabrovolskas, audrius.dabrovolskas@lmta.lt.