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Doctoral courses

3rd cycle

Doctorate (PhD):

  • LT – Humanities (Ethnology)
  • LT – Humanities (Art History and Theory)

Art Doctorate (D.A.):

The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre offers artistic doctorate studies in Music or Theatre and Film. The aim of the artistic doctorate studies in the arts is to train artists-researchers who are able to combine high-level artistic work and research in their creative activities; who will enrich the selected artistic field with valuable insights and new knowledge by leaning on their artistic maturity; and who can participate in the dissemination of art.

The LMTA artistic doctorate programmes consist of studies, the development of an artistic research project containing two parts of equal value – research and creative – and the public presentation of this project (defence).

Current artistic research projects you can find here.
Completed artistic research projects you can find here.


Doctoral Studies Officer
Dr. Božena Čiurlionienė
E-mail: bozena.ciurlioniene@lmta.lt, doktorantura@lmta.lt
Phone: +370 687 94630
Address: Gediminas Ave. 42
LT-01110 Vilnius, Room 208